
Idea: 5 Things / Today I Will

Jan 20, 2011

I’m always trying to figure out a system for making new habits stick. My latest approach is a piece of paper with dates down the left side and verbs across the top representing things I want to do consistently, currently read, practice (piano), exercise, create, and meditate.

I’d like to create a simple version of this list on the web. The default view would be a list of the five verbs that you could check off as you complete them. There would also be a historical view, displayed in reverse chronological order. Each entry would be constrained to a single word, and the list capped at five.

I think this could be a great app to play around with lazy registration. A user could create their list without entering any info and would be identified for subsequent sessions using a non-expiring cookie. They could later enter an username and/or password if they so desired.